If you've exhausted all options and reached the end with infertility you might feel an uncertainty about what comes next.
My experience of accepting childlessness after infertility started by recognizing and addressing the disenfranchised grief that accompanies the experience of being childless following infertility. I didn't do that work alone, therapy helped me move forward and remember that grief and happiness can coexist together.
As you begin on the path of acceptance, there may be days when it seems like you did everything possible, yet you still have doubts and question if it was enough. This is normal.
It's important to process your experiences, seek help when necessary and resource yourself through the grieving process.
Redefining what family means as a childless person or couple, finding new meaning and connecting to others with similar experiences will also be key.
From my experience, I can assure you that there is happiness in embracing being childfree after infertility.
